Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) initiated an All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) in the year 2010-11 with reference date of 30th September, every year to build a robust database and to assess the correct picture of higher Education in the country.

The main objectives of the survey is to

Identify & capture all the institutions of higher learning in the country, Collect the data from all the higher education institutions on various aspects of higher education

Data is being collected on following broad items

Institution’s Basic Details, Teacher’s Details, Details of Non-Teaching Staff, Programme conducted under various Faculties/Schools & Departments/Centres, Students enrolled in these Programme, Examination result of terminal year of each Programme, Financial Information such as Receipt and Expenditure under various heads, Availability of Infrastructure, Scholarships, Loans & Accreditation. More details……

AISHE Code  : C-11742


AISHE 2023-24

AISHE 2022-23

AISHE 2021-22

AISHE  2020-21

AISHE  2019-20

AISHE  2018-19

AISHE  2017-18